The ACP program is currently paused pending funding by Congress.

Finding Financial Assistance For Grandparents Raising Grandchildren in Oklahoma

Finding Financial Assistance For Grandparents Raising Grandchildren in Oklahoma

So you’ve taken to raising your grandkids and you need financial assistance for grandparents raising grandchildren in Oklahoma. While being a grandparent is usually fun and games, raising kids is serious business. Especially when you’re doing it on a budget. Don’t worry — You raised your own kids. Now you have the benefit of experience and wisdom on your side.

The difficulties of parenting a second time around may seem daunting, but there’re many resources and support here to help. From government assistance programs to expert parenting hacks from your era, you’re bound to get into the groove in no time. Focus on the love and leave the rest behind. Your grandkids are lucky to have you.

Budgeting Tips for Grandparents in Oklahoma

As grandparents raising your grandchildren in Oklahoma, keeping costs at a minimum is essential. Some tips to save on necessities:


Shop store brand items as well as stocking up on sales. Cook more meals at home instead of eating at restaurants. Grow some of your own produce or visit farmers markets for fresh options.


Public transit, ride-sharing, and carpooling are cheaper than driving yourself. If you do drive, combine errands into one trip and make sure your vehicle is tuned up for maximum fuel efficiency.


Explore subsidized housing or rent assistance programs that provide affordable housing to seniors. If staying in your current place, negotiate with your landlord to lower or lock in your rent.


There’s many free or low-cost activities to enjoy with your grandkids like going to the park or museum. Check with your local recreation center about discount or scholarship programs for activities. Have movie nights, game nights or crafts at home.

Raising children is often expensive, but with some budget-friendly choices you can still give your grandchildren happy, healthy, and memorable experiences. Focus on the joys of connecting as a family instead of lavish material things. Your love and guidance are the greatest gifts you can offer.

Finding Affordable Childcare Options

Finding Affordable Childcare Options

Finding affordable childcare is pretty tough on a budget. As grandparents raising your grandchildren, you have some options to explore that could help reduce costs.

Subsidized Programs

Check if your grandchildren qualify for state assistance with childcare costs based on your income. Oklahoma has programs like SoonerCare that offer subsidies for low-income families. Head Start program also provides early childhood education for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. These programs can cover part or all of the costs for daycare, preschool and after-school care.

In-Home Babysitter or Nanny

Hiring an in-home caregiver, such as a babysitter or part-time nanny, may be more affordable than a daycare center. You can likely find a high school or college student in your neighborhood to watch the kids for a few hours after school or on weekends at a lower rate. Make sure to check references and background to ensure your grandchildren’s safety.

Childcare Co-ops or Playgroups

Childcare co-ops, playgroups and nanny shares are alternatives where you can split the costs with other families. Co-ops typically involve a group of parents who take turns watching all the children. Playgroups and nanny shares may involve hiring one caregiver to watch multiple children, with costs shared among multiple families. These options could save hundreds a month in childcare fees.

Ask Friends or Family for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask your loved ones for help. They may be willing to watch your grandchildren for free or at a lower cost, especially if it’s only occasionally or for a short period of time. Make sure to show your appreciation for their support. Every little bit of help can make a difference!

With some creativity and determination, you could find affordable childcare solutions to help ease the financial burden.

Taking Advantage of Government Assistance Programs

As a grandparent raising grandchildren in Oklahoma, taking advantage of available government assistance programs helps to make ends meet.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

First — SNAP, formerly known as food stamps, provides monthly benefits to supplement your food budget. To qualify, your income must be below a certain threshold based on household size. Apply for SNAP benefits through your local Department of Human Services office.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

TANF provides temporary cash assistance and work opportunities for families with children. As a grandparent caregiver, you may be eligible for TANF benefits to help pay for essentials like housing, utilities, and transportation costs. TANF is administered through the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.


Medicaid provides health insurance for low-income individuals including children, pregnant women, elderly, and disabled. Grandparent caregivers in Oklahoma may qualify for Medicaid based on income requirements. Medicaid covers doctor visits, hospital stays, vaccinations, and other medically necessary care for program recipients. Apply for Medicaid at your nearest Department of Human Services location.

Taking advantage of these government assistance programs provides relief from financial stress. Don’t hesitate to apply for any programs you may qualify for. The benefits can make a big difference in providing essential care for your grandchildren.

Support Groups and Resources for Grandfamilies in Oklahoma

Support Groups and Resources for Grand families in Oklahoma

As a grand family in Oklahoma, you’re definitely not alone. There are support groups and resources available specifically for grandparents raising grandchildren. Connecting with others in similar situations helps reduce stress and provide advice and guidance.

Grand families of Oklahoma Non-profit

Grand families of Oklahoma is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating for and supporting kinship families. They offer support groups and events across the state. Their Facebook page and website provide information on available resources as well as opportunities to connect with other grand families.

Oklahoma Family Network Organization

The Oklahoma Family Network provides resources, education, and advocacy for kinship and foster families. They host support groups to connect their community with family services. Their Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program offers support groups, recreational activities, and access to resources.

Cooperative Extension

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Services offer educational programs and resources for grand families. Many counties have extension educators focused specifically on child development, parenting, and family financial management that can provide guidance for your unique situation. They may be able to connect you with local support groups and resources as well.

Additional Resources

Other resources for grand families in Oklahoma include:

  • Area Agencies on Aging: Provide resources and support for older adults, including those raising grandchildren.
  • Oklahoma Foster and Adoptive Parents Association: Offers support, training, and advocacy for foster, kinship and adoptive families.
  • Oklahoma Department of Human Services: Can help connect families with child care assistance, food benefits, Medicaid and other programs that may help supplement a tight budget.
  • AARP: The American Association of Retired Persons offers a Grand families Guide with state-specific resources as well as online support groups and communities.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to local churches, schools, Boys and Girls Clubs or YMCAs as well. Private organizations in your area may also be able to provide support. Raising grandchildren is challenging, but utilizing all resources available makes a difference.

Grandparents Could Qualify For a FREE Phone!

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