The ACP program is currently paused pending funding by Congress.

What is Renters Insurance and What Does it Cover?

What is Renters Insurance and What Does it Cover? A Complete Guide

Do you know what protections a typical renters insurance policy provides? If not, you may be leaving your possessions vulnerable.

Renters insurance is an affordable property insurance policy that safeguards your personal belongings and finances. It covers risks your landlord’s policy does not.

This guide will explain the key coverages in a standard renters policy. Read on to learn what renters insurance is, what it covers, and how much renters insurance is to get the right protection.

What Does a Renters Insurance Policy Protect That Your Landlord’s Policy Doesn’t?

Your landlord insures the physical rental property itself against perils like fire and theft. But their policy does not cover your personal stuff inside.

If a covered disaster damages or destroys your possessions, only renters insurance will pay to repair or replace them. Without it, you must bear the full financial burden.

Renters insurance covers liability claims and living expenses that your landlord’s policy leaves unprotected. It provides a safety net for your finances.

What Personal Property Does Renters Insurance Cover?

The centerpiece of any renter’s policy is personal property coverage. This reimburses you if a covered event damages or destroys your personal belongings.

Covered perils include fire, lightning, windstorms, theft, vandalism, and more. Your stuff is protected both inside your rental home as well as outside.

For example, if a fire burned down your apartment, renters’ insurance company would pay to replace your furniture, clothing, electronics, and other possessions. Or if your laptop got stolen from your car, it would pay for that too.

Coverage is subject to your policy limits and deductible. Make sure you insure covered loss of your belongings for what they would cost to replace – this is called replacement cost coverage.

What If You Can't Live In Your Rental After a Disaster

What If You Can’t Live In Your Rental After a Disaster?

If a covered incident leaves your home unlivable, renters insurance (like homeowners insurance) and loss of use coverage can pay the extra costs of living elsewhere temporarily.

This includes hotel bills, meals and additional living expenses, storage fees, and other costs above your normal living expenses. For instance, if a kitchen fire forces you out for 3 weeks, it covers the added costs of eating all meals at restaurants.

Loss of use coverage gives you flexibility to secure comfortable accommodations while repairs are completed, without going broke.

How Does Liability Protection Shield Your Finances?

The liability portion of renters insurance shields your personal liability and your assets if you face a lawsuit. It pays costs if you are legally responsible for:

  • Bodily injury or property damage to others.
  • Legal claims made against you.

For personal liability coverage for example, if your dog bites a neighbor or your child breaks a window playing ball, liability coverage can pay for medical bills, legal fees, and any damages awarded. This protects your savings and assets.

Liability insurance provides peace of mind knowing an accident won’t financially ruin you. Limits apply, so make sure you have enough coverage for your situation.

What’s the Difference Between Liability and Medical Payments Coverage?

Medical payment coverage is a standard part of most renter’s policies. It pays medical bills for injuries on your property, regardless of who was at fault.

The key difference from liability coverage is that this policy covers medical payments pays no matter who’s responsible. It provides first-dollar coverage for medical expenses resulting from an accident in your home.

So if a visitor trips on your loose rug and breaks their arm, your medical payments coverage can reimburse their urgent care visit, without you being liable. It’s an extra layer of protection.

What Risks Aren't Covered by Renters Insurance

What Risks Aren’t Covered by Renters Insurance?

While renters insurance coverage provides broad protections, every policy excludes certain events. Standard exclusions are:

  • Flood damage – Requires a separate flood insurance policy.
  • Earthquake damage – Needs add-on coverage.
  • Roommate’s possessions – Each tenant needs their own policy.
  • Gradual damage like mold or rust over time.
  • Damages caused by vermin, bed bugs, or lack of maintenance.

If you have specific concerns, discuss with your agent about additional coverage options available. Additional coverages can often be added by endorsement.

How Much Does Renters Insurance Cost on Average?

Major insurers like State Farm, Allstate, and Progressive offer their renter’s insurance policies starting around $15 per month. Geico and USAA have policies from $12 per month.

According to NerdWallet, the average renter’s insurance premium is about $152 per year. The exact cost depends on factors like location, value of possessions, and amount of coverage purchased.

Getting quotes from multiple insurers ensures you find the best rate for your situation. Don’t leave your belongings at risk by going without coverage.

An EASY Way to -Find Extra Money to Pay For Your Renter's Insurance Policy

An EASY Way to Find Extra Money to Pay For Your Renter’s Insurance Policy

Struggling to afford renters insurance? Here’s an EASY way to free up cash for the premiums – get FREE cell phone service. Millions qualify for free talk, text, and data through the Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity government benefit programs.

Check if you’re eligible for discounted wireless with EASY Wireless based on your income, government assistance participation, or other criteria. If you qualify, you can get totally free cell service including unlimited talk and text plus high-speed smartphone data each month.

With FREE cell service from EASY Wireless, you can take what you were paying for wireless and put it toward important protections like renters insurance. Don’t leave your possessions at risk. See if you qualify today and make your budget balance easier.

Learn about this great service from EASY Wireless.

Protect Yourself With Customized Renters Insurance

Renters insurance provides crucial financial protection at an affordable price. Make sure you have insurance coverage that meets your specific needs.

Work with an insurance provider or an agent to build a tailored policy with proper coverage limits.

Don’t leave it to chance – get your personal property covered with renters insurance today!

Join the Tens of Thousands that have already signed up for FREE Lifeline and ACP Benefits.

Free Government-Smartphone EASY Wireless