The ACP program is currently paused pending funding by Congress.

What to do When You Need Financial Help

What to do When You Need Financial Help

You’ve found yourself in a financial pickle. Maybe you lost your job or had an unexpected expense. Perhaps your car broke down right when your child needed new school clothes. Whatever the reason is, you’re strapped for cash. Don’t panic. There’re options. But where do you start? Who can you turn to for help? Take a deep breath.

This blog post discusses some common sources of financial assistance. We’re looking at government programs, nonprofits, and community resources that offer grants, loans, and other financial help. Learn how to apply and what you’re going to need to qualify. With effort, you can get your finances back on track. Keep reading to find out where to get the help you need.

Recognizing When You Need Financial Help

Sometimes life throws us curveballs we’re just not prepared for financially. If you find yourself in one of these situations, don’t panic. There are resources that can help.

  • First, look at your bank balances and bills. Are you coming up short each month or barely getting by? Have you started using credit cards more to pay for essentials? These are signs you may need some financial assistance.
  • Next, check if your income has changed recently. Did you lose a job or take a pay cut? Has an illness or injury impacted your ability to work? A drop in income is one of the biggest reasons people seek help.
  • You should also examine your living expenses. Have things such as rent, utilities, or other costs increased substantially? Are you paying high interest rates on debts? Struggling with the basic costs of living is a clear indicator you could benefit from financial support.
  • Finally, think about life events that could strain your budget like having a baby, getting divorced, or experiencing a death in the family. These types of situations often require help to deal with.

The bottom line is, if paying for necessities has become difficult, your financial health and stability are at risk. But there are many programs and nonprofit organizations ready to offer a path to a better future.

Budgeting to Get Your Finances Under Control

Budgeting to Get Your Finances Under Control

The first step to gaining control of your finances is a realistic budget. Take some time to list all your income sources and expenses. Be honest—account for every dollar coming in and out each month.

Reduce Expenses

Once you have the full picture, look for expenses you can reduce or eliminate, like dining out or entertainment. See if you can lower recurring bills by negotiating with service providers or switching to less expensive alternatives. Find ways to earn additional income on the side, if needed. The goal is to ensure you’re spending less than you earn each month.


Craft a budget that prioritizes essentials like food, shelter, and transportation. Allocate your income to required expenses first, then distribute any remaining amount to other needs and wants. A good rule of thumb is to keep discretionary expenses under 30% of your take-home pay.

Track Spending

Stick to your budget by tracking all purchases and spending. Look for trends in your discretionary expenses and make adjustments as needed. Minor tweaks, like bringing your lunch to work or cutting the cable cord, can add up to big savings over time. Review and revise your budget regularly based on changes in income or expenses.

Getting control of your finances won’t happen overnight. But by creating a realistic budget, reducing debt, and changing bad spending habits, you can achieve financial stability and start saving money each month. Stay disciplined and your budget will become second nature, allowing you to spend on the things that really matter.

Exploring Government Assistance Programs

Exploring Government Assistance Programs

When times are tough, the government offers resources that can help. From government food programs to straight cash assistance, there’re many resources available for temporary assistance to help you get back on your feet. Applying for these government benefits is often seen as a last resort, but that shouldn’t be the case. These programs exist to help people in need.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

If you have a disability that prevents you from working, you may be eligible for SSDI benefits. This federal program provides monthly income and Medicare benefits to those unable to work due to a qualifying disability. To qualify, you must have worked and paid Social Security taxes for a certain number of years. The amount of benefits depends on your previous salary and work history.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Formerly known as food stamps, SNAP provides monthly benefits for purchasing groceries. Households must meet certain income requirements to qualify based on family size and expenses. Specifically, you must urn no more than 130% of Federal poverty guidelines. Benefits are provided on an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card to use at most grocery stores and farmers markets.


Medicaid provides health coverage for low-income individuals including children, pregnant women, elderly, and disabled. Requirements and benefits vary by state, but typically there are no costs for coverage. Medicaid covers essential services like hospital stays, vaccinations, nursing homes, and doctor visits.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

TANF provides temporary financial assistance and other support services to low-income families with children. Recipients receive monthly cash benefits and access to resources to help them find work and become self-sufficient. Eligibility depends on family income, expenses, and state requirements. Benefits are limited to 60 months in most states.

Don’t hesitate to explore these government resources if you’re facing financial difficulties. They were created to provide help so people can get back on their feet during tough times. Check with your local government agencies to learn about the financial assistance programs in your state and check if you’re eligible.

Finding Local Nonprofits and Charities That Provide help

Finding Local Nonprofits and Charities That Provide help

When money is tight, local charities and nonprofits can provide much-needed assistance. Search online for organizations in your area that offer financial relief or aid for things like food, rent, utilities, and medical care. Many have programs specifically aimed at helping those in need.

Housing and Bill Assistance

Nonprofits such as Habitat for Humanity build affordable housing. Others offer emergency rent/mortgage relief, utility bill assistance, and programs to weatherize homes and lower energy costs. Contact your utility companies and local government to ask about available aid for water, heating, electric, and other utility bills.

Free or Low-Cost Medical Care

Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) provide primary care regardless of ability to pay. Community health clinics and free clinics offer additional health and human services on a sliding scale basis. Hospital financial counselors can help find ways to lower or eliminate medical debts. Don’t hesitate to speak with them.

Additional Programs

Some charities offer work training, education scholarships, childcare vouchers, or funds for other essentials. United Way and Salvation Army are well-known, but also check with places of worship, social services agencies, and organizations aimed at assisting certain populations like veterans, seniors, or those with disabilities.

Don’t stress. Many kind-hearted people want to help. Swallow your pride and start making calls or filling out applications. Be open, honest and willing to provide whatever details are needed to determine your eligibility. Help may be closer than you realize, if only you reach out for it.

EASY Wireless’ FREE Phone Plan

If you’re reading this blog, you’re likely facing some financial difficulties wondering where to find assistance . Don’t worry — it happens all the time. Luckily, EASY Wireless is here to help!

Partnering with programs such as Lifeline & ACP, we’re offering FREE phones with data to eligible individuals just like yourself. Whether you need to keep in touch with friends & family or you want to just save money on your current plan, here’s what we’re offering:

EASY Wireless Unlimited Plan

  • FREE Unlimited Data
  • FREE Unlimited Talk
  • FREE Unlimited Text
  • FREE SIM Card Kit and Activation
  • Choose to Keep Your Number or Get a New One

To start with EASY Wireless, apply online by clicking the below:

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Or you can come to one of the EASY Wireless’s retail stores, where our customer service agent will help you apply for your benefits.

Join the Tens of Thousands that have already signed up for FREE Lifeline and ACP Benefits.

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