The ACP program is currently paused pending funding by Congress.

14 Savvy Money Saving Tips for Families

14 Savvy Money Saving Tips for Families

Introduction: Does providing for your growing family feel like trying to fill a bottomless money pit? With the right small changes, you can drastically reduce expenses without sacrificing vacations and family fun. Discover 14 clever hacks to stretch your budget further than you imagined possible.

Stop Throwing Money in the Trash

How Do I Plan to Eliminate Wasted Groceries?

Map out weekly meals in advance and stick to a precise grocery list. This simple habit eliminates buying excess food that gets wasted. Meal prep also saves money over frequent takeout nights. Planning ahead helps you buy only what your family needs.

Utilize Your Grocery Store Apps to Save More

When you go grocery shopping make sure you use your favorite store’s app to see what items are on sale, BOGO, and to compare prices between name-brand and generic items. Buying generic brand household items like cleaning supplies and paper towels can provide you with the same high quality without the high prices.

Dress Kids Affordably Without Sacrificing Style

Where Can We Score Quality Discounted Clothes?

Kids outgrow clothes rapidly, but you can keep them stylish without breaking the bank. Scoring major discounted finds at consignment stores, Thrift Stores, Facebook Marketplace dresses them affordably in great brands. Quality investment pieces get reused again and again between siblings.

How Can Working Retail Maximize Our Family Clothing Savings?

Consider getting a flexible part-time job at retailers like Kohl’s, TJMaxx or Target to both earn extra money and save money big time on stylish threads. Employee discounts offer brand names at up to 50% off already reduced prices.

Stack that with coupons and clearance sales happening regularly for savings up to 70% off original prices. You also get early access to the best markdowns before the public rush. Now that’s scoring high fashion at an unbelievably low price – with a side of extra spending cash from shifts worked!

Enjoy Free At-Home Family Fun

What Special Stay-at-Home Activities Can We Do?

Hosting an at-home movie marathon is far cheaper than going to the theater. Make it special with themed snacks everyone helps whip up. Get cozy while enjoying entertainment without ever leaving your PJs. Now that’s family bonding on a budget!

Use a Budgeting App to Uncover Hidden Savings

Use a Budgeting App to Uncover Hidden Savings

How Does Tracking Spending Help Me Save?

Budgeting tools track spending showing exactly where money leaks out of your account each month. You can then make tweaks to your spending habits and consciously set aside cash in a separate savings account for upcoming known expenses. This awareness curbs impulse purchases busting your bank account when you least expect it.

What are Some Free Budgeting Apps?

Free apps include:

  • Mint
  • You Need a Budget
  • EveryDollar

Negotiate Better Rates to Slash Monthly Bills

Who Can I Call to Reduce What I Currently Pay?

You have more power than you think! Call insurance, cable/internet, phone and subscription service providers to request better rates. Many offer credits or reduced costs to keep your business long-term, especially when bundled. This can free up big chunks of change towards family savings goals when negotiating multiple bills.

Can You Get FREE Cell Phone Service to Help Build Your Savings Account?

Federal Lifeline and ACP programs offer FREE cell service for families participating in various government assistance programs and through your household income level.

EASY Wireless provides this free coverage using the same nationwide cell networks as major carriers, except without their expensive monthly payments.

Families receiving FREE cell plans through EASY Wireless save approximately $600 per year. Put that free money right into your savings account or use it to pay off credit card debt and each month you’ll take one more step towards financial freedom.

Learn more about this amazing service from EASY Wireless.

Saving Money When You Adjust the Thermostat and Control Energy Costs

Saving Money When You Adjust the Thermostat and Control Energy Costs

What Temperature Tweaks Net Big Savings?

Lower your thermostat temperature by a few degrees during winter months and raise it by a couple in the summer. Unplug devices in your home when not actively in use to avoid “energy vampire” power drain too. This keeps your house comfortably livable and yearly energy costs considerably lower. Small changes can lead to more money in your pocket.

Give Sentimental Handmade Gifts to Save Money

What Are Meaningful Inexpensive Presents?

Show your family love through sentiment not dollars with handmade presents. Heartfelt homemade coupon books with IOUs for small favors or outings together, custom art or baked treats often get remembered far longer by kids than flashy toys bought off store shelves. DIY adds a special touch without the need to spend money.

Automatically Save with Online Shopping


How Do Browser Extensions Boost My Savings?

Install free browser extensions like Rakuten which detect applicable coupon codes across over 2,500 stores, automatically applying them at checkout for instant savings.

You also get cash back on purchases credited to your account. Empowering tools match prices, apply discounts, and earn money in the background as you shop normally online.

Hold a Garage Sale to Declutter and Fund Family Fun

Can You Gather Up Your Dust Collectors to Resell?

Hold a garage sale! Kids rapidly outgrow clothes, toys, gear, and electronics in what feels like a blink. Clear out items collecting dust around your home and make some cash selling them. You declutter while padding your bank account, funding family expenditures along the way.

Discover Free Entertainment Options

Discover Free Entertainment Options

Where Can We Find Family Fun on a Budget?

Entertaining everyone doesn’t need to demolish your budget. Local community event calendars list tons of free activities from museums to fairs and everything in between. The local library also offers entertainment options including summer reading clubs with free prizes, movie rentals, book exchanges and more. Keeping kids happily engaged without going broke is totally doable.

Your Personal Finance Success Has Begun!

Small daily decisions compound over weeks, months and years will grow your family finances. Regularly putting even a handful of these creative cost-cutting hacks into practice gives your home budget some breathing room for what matters most – making memories together!

Join the Tens of Thousands that have already signed up for FREE Lifeline and ACP Benefits.

Free Government-Smartphone EASY Wireless