We see you! Activities for senior citizens abound. What’s more, you are a part of organizing the activities! There you go looking good, taking great care of yourself, and ready to engage in some healthy socialization.
Having a well-rounded lifestyle includes adequate and appropriate socialization. That being said, socialization is different for everyone. Some people are just as happy to spend the day with themselves alone, while others are alone and feeling utterly lonely.
Healthy socialization is a unique and individualized thing. Some people are independent. They like to support themselves and rely on themselves. This is a good thing, as well. However, there are some things you should look out for. Make certain that you’re not leading yourself into a lifestyle of despair.
As humans, we are built to be together. It’s not just a personality trait.
We’ve compiled a fun little guide to help you think about socialization as an important facet of your life.
The Social Senior A Guide To Activities for Senior Citizens
The Definition of Loneliness
Okay, before we get to the fun stuff, let’s take a look at the opposite or lack of socialization – loneliness.
Oxford Languages defines loneliness as sadness because one has no friends or company. This definition works well because, as stated above, some people with a small number of friends or company are happy. They do not experience sadness as a result of their aloneness.
Not everyone is a social butterfly.
Enjoying your own company is not a problem unless it becomes a problem. Here are some things to be aware of when it comes to problematic aloneness or loneliness. According to the National Institute on Aging. Loneliness can pose health risks, especially for older people. People who are suffering from loneliness have a higher risk of
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Obesity
- A weakened immune system
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Cognitive decline
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Death
Perception is key! Check in with your mental health professional to make certain that your aloneness is healthy and it’s not posing a problem. If you don’t have a mental health professional, speak with your doctor about a referral to one. Here is a list of some other things you can do to make certain you are not lonely.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you intentional about socializing with others?
- If you enjoy time alone, do you also enjoy being with others?
- Why am I alone?
- Is it my choice to be alone or am I unwillingly isolated?
- Am I alone because of the death of a loved one?
- Am I alone because I’m afraid?
- Am I alone because friends and family have rejected me? If so, why? Was it your intention to be alone?
Loneliness has biological consequences. Some lonely people feel a sense of disconnection. They may feel threatened and mistrustful of others, which activates biological defense mechanisms. Feeling lonely can change how your mind and body function. This issue can be serious if left untreated. It is important enough to be studied and it’s something that you should be aware of. Remember, sadness is the key word here regarding your situation. Your perception of your situation means a lot.
Don’t Take Your Word For It
In addition to checking in with a mental health professional, check in with your healthcare team, your family, your friends, your community, and your place of spiritual worship. Social media can be a great resource. Notice that these are not black-and-white issues. Enjoying time alone and being social can be part of the same personality.
Proper socialization is always the goal!

Alright Butterfly, You've Been Released From Your Cocoon. Let's Fly On The Internet!
Social media has taken many people to a great place because they are connected to hundreds or thousands of people without having to leave their homes.
You have to be careful and avoid pitfalls that can occur online. That being said, social media should be enjoyed as the cutting-edge technology that it is. No longer do we have to play telephone and wait for the rotary dial to complete our seven-digit request. With a touch of a few buttons, we can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds.
This technological boon has done a lot for people who are feeling lonely.
Here is a brief introduction to the four most popular social media entities on the Internet today:
Facebook – Facebook is owned by Meta-Platforms, Inc. Meta-Platforms Inc. also owns Instagram and WhatsApp – Facebook is a social networking site or platform that is extremely user-friendly and makes it simple for you to stay in contact with family and friends by sharing photos and texts
Twitter – is a communications company that is based in San Francisco, California. Its goal is to keep people connected and to allow people to share their thoughts with an expanded audience
Instagram – this is a free photo and video-sharing app or application that’s available on iPhones and Android phones
Snapchat – Snapchat is another American multimedia instant messaging app. It makes it easy to talk with friends and family and to look at “stories” from around the world. Snapchat is a quick app, meaning that the pictures and messages are generally only visible for a short time before they go away
All of these applications can be accessed on EASY Wireless. Not only that, if you are in a low-income bracket, you may qualify for free phone and free Internet service through EASY Wireless! Talk about being a social butterfly! Imagine talking to all of your friends for free.
EASY Wireless is a benefit that works along with the Affordable Connectivity Program or ACP. Individuals who have low incomes and are entitled to government benefits are usually also entitled to ACP benefits. Contact a professional and courteous EASY Wireless staffer to find out if you fall within the guidelines. Who knows? You may be Snapchatting, Instagramming, Facebooking, and Tweeting all with your free EASY Wireless cell phone service and free Internet before you know it if you qualify.
Pack Your Bags and Let's Go - Vacations With Plenty of Senior Activities
Sixty n Me.com has hooked up – (in a good way) senior citizens with a great website. This resource has six ways to find amazing senior travel discounts…It is well worth the clicks to save money and have a great time in the process. One of their finds is the following:
Have you ever considered extending your trip? Since you’re already abroad why not take advantage of a long-delayed connecting flight to go visit another country? Sixty n Me has uncovered the fact that an airline may give you a free additional day or three in the city of your connecting flight for either a very small fee or no fee at all. This is called free stopovers.
Take advantage of the new travel technology and accommodations. Great discounts can be found on a bargain basement website. Come out of the traditional hotel and stay in an Airbnb.
You’ve worked hard, so why not enjoy your golden years on vacation somewhere you’ve never been? Research your EASY Wireless cell phone to find out other vacation discounts you may qualify for
Having a cell phone is so necessary nowadays. Don’t cut yourself out of this benefit. Don’t cut yourself out of a fantastic vacation. Find out how to make it all happen by having the connection you need.
Time To Retire – Where Can I Go That Is Affordable
There are so many ways to save on retirement expenses. US News and World Report has an excellent resource for you to check out. The best places to retire are just a click away.
Some retirees decide to leave the country to enjoy their golden years. There are many countries abroad that offer a much lower cost of living than the United States. Consider all of your options. What do you have to lose? A great resource to check out for affordable international places to retire to is the same as the local resource, US News and World Reports will guide you to becoming an expatriate – someone who lives outside of their native country.

Just To Dazzle Your Eyes - Let's Go Over Some of the Most Affordable Places to Retire Overseas
- Cuenca, Ecuador
- Da Lot, Vietnam
- Georgetown, Malaysia
- Medellin, Colombia
- Northern Belize
- Popoli, Italy
Retirement Communities – A Social Butterfly’s Heaven
Retirement communities are for active seniors who are in generally good health. This is the perfect solution for those who may have lost a significant other and don’t want to live alone in a single-family house by themselves. Living in a retirement community allows you to experience many social interactions with people your age. The advantage of this type of residence is that socialization is built in. In addition:
- You live with people that you have things in common with
- Activities for senior citizens are close to home and convenient
- Activities for senior citizens usually have built-in transportation
- You have people who are dedicated to socializing in most instances
- You have a community to check up on you if they haven’t heard from you in a while
- Many retirement communities have greater accessibility to healthcare, if necessary
- Many retirement communities have greater accessibility to emergency services, if necessary
- Transportation is generally available for shopping, running errands, going into town, and other necessary activities of daily living
Learn more about different housing options from your local HUD office or by going online. You may qualify to get a housing voucher that can help you afford your retirement community. It’s also a great way to make certain you stay social. Many retirement communities have a built-in Social Director.
Click Smart Phone Photography
Smartphone photography is a great hobby you can pick up with your EASY Wireless cell phone service. Understand that it goes way beyond the selfie. Your smartphone has an advanced camera, as well. You can take:
- Multiple shots
- You can use editing tools
In fact, according to expertphotography.com you’re handy cell phone is the best way to take a photo of anything that you desire. Click the link to find 96 tips on how to be a better smartphone photographer. You can take both candid shots as well as planned shots with a timer right on your cell phone.
Sending these photos to family and friends as well as your community in an appropriate fashion is a great way to spend your time. It’s also a great way to stay connected. All without leaving your home or going through the expense of traveling. You can know what happens with your loved ones who are thousands of miles away just by looking at your smartphone. You can also let your loved ones know what’s going on with you by sharing photos of your life
No longer do you have to:
- Take photos
- Wait for them to be developed
- Pay for them to be developed, just to learn that you missed capturing a photo of a very important life event because there was a problem with the camera
As stated above your cell phone has a magnificent camera attached. You know right then and there if the photo is good or if you need a reshoot.
Don’t Be a Stick in the Shot
Expand on what you use your cell phone for. Even youngsters don’t realize the magnificent camera they hold in the palm of their hand. The difference with you is you have the time to go out and take pictures of various things that catch your eye as you walk along the road enjoying your golden years. That is yet another benefit of your EASY Wireless cell phone service. Not only is it free, it opens up another world of photography for you and your loved ones. Make certain to check if you qualify to receive this well-deserved benefit today
A Cellphone Well-Used - Take Advantage of Senior Apps
The social media platforms mentioned above are all accessible as an app as well. Senior apps are geared to make senior citizens’ lives much easier. In short, an app puts the platform, venue, service, or whatever right on your phone for your convenience. These apps make finding activities for senior citizens simple. Many of these apps are completely free of charge and can simply be uploaded to your cell phone.
A Place For Mom.com has compiled a list of the most useful apps for senior citizens. All of these apps are free to download
- An ARP Now – this app helps you find out specific news and events for seniors. It even gives you digital access to your AARP membership. This way you can manage your AARP membership right on your cell phone. You could also show your membership card if you need to without pulling out your wallet.
- Magnifying glass plus light – this app quickly turns on the magnifying glass plus light on your camera and flashlight to help you easily read the fine print. Brightness can be adjusted and zoom can be adjusted as well. This app is free however if you want a pro version there is a minimal fee. The pro version lets you do freeze, auto light, and stabilizer as new settings with the app
- Find my iPhone – this free app is a great resource. Who wants to lose their iPhone? The Find My iPhone Will help you find your phone in the event you lose it or if it gets stolen. You will be able to ping your iPhone to find it, – meaning it will make a noise and attempt to show you its location so that you can find out where you lost it. If it has been stolen or you cannot find it in your vicinity, this app will help you lock the phone and display a message to have someone return it. This app will also show you how to erase all data if the phone has been stolen
- Life 360 – is a free app that helps you keep an account of your seniors or any loved one. This app lets caregivers or loved ones know exactly when their person has arrived at the destination they set out to. You don’t have to call constantly and worry until your loved one advises you of their safe arrival. This app does it for you using location-sharing
Taking advantage of all the benefits afforded to you as a social individual is a great idea. There are so many free and low-cost activities for senior citizens that no one needs to be lonely or isolated. Finding out about transportation to get out and wander and socialize means no one needs to suffer alone.
Let’s uncover that social butterfly that is a part of all of us. If you know that someone needs a little nudging to get out and be social, NUDGE AWAY! Treat others the way you want to be treated and you’ll find that the butterflies will cluster and fly together to enjoy the breeze each new season brings of your golden years.
Start Saving Today!
For More Helpful Tips
For more helpful and useful tips check out our comprehensive guide titled, Senior Citizens – Guide for Living Your Best Life.