The ACP program is currently paused pending funding by Congress.

Free Online Schooling For Single Moms

Free Online Schooling For Single Moms

So, you’re a single mom looking to further your education but can’t figure out how to swing the costs or logistics? Don’t worry, you’ve got this. There are some great free resources out there to help you earn a degree or high-school diploma from home on your own schedule. Between caring for your kids, working, and keeping up with life’s daily demands, going back to school in a traditional setting may seem impossible.

Online programs provide the flexibility and affordability you need. You have so much talent and potential, and you deserve access to opportunities to develop new skills and advance your career.

The Challenges of Going Back to School as a Single Mom

Going back to school as a single parent is challenging, but with determination, it can be done.


Between work, childcare, and household responsibilities, finding time to study is difficult. You’ll need to get creative with your schedule to fit in classes and homework. Wake up early, utilize lunch breaks, or ask friends and family to babysit so you can focus. Every little bit of time helps.


College education is quite expensive. Look into scholarships, grants, and student aid to help pay for courses. Many schools offer tuition waivers or discounts for single mothers. Don’t be afraid to ask about available resources.

Childcare Issues

Arranging for childcare during classes or study time requires planning. See if family members, friends, or babysitters can watch your kids. Look into school programs like aftercare or tutoring. Many community centers also offer drop-in childcare options at an affordable cost.


Going it alone as a single parent in school can feel isolating. Connect with other students in similar situations to build your single mom support group. Let professors know your circumstances – they may be willing to make accommodations when needed. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed.

Finding Free Online Courses and Programs

Finding Free Online Courses and Programs

When you’re struggling to make ends meet as a single mom, paying for college can seem impossible. But don’t lose hope! There are free online degree programs and classes out there if you know where to look.

Community colleges

Check with your local community college. Many offer free or low-cost online courses and programs for residents. You may be able to earn an associate’s degree or career certificate without paying a dime for tuition. Some even have transfer agreements with 4-year schools so you can also earn your bachelor’s degree.


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) allow you to learn for free. Websites like Coursera and Udemy offer classes in hundreds of subjects from top universities. You can work through courses at your own pace and earn a certificate to add to your resume.

Open educational resources

OER or Open Educational Resources are freely accessible teaching and learning materials. They include full courses, lectures, quizzes, syllabi, assignments, and more. MIT OpenCourseWare and Open Yale Courses are great places to start. You can study anything from coding and business to arts and humanities.

Financial aid

Don’t forget to apply for need-based aid like federal grants, scholarships, and student loans. As a single parent, you likely qualify for additional assistance. Fill out the FAFSA form to determine your eligibility for Pell Grants, subsidized Stafford loans, and other federal student aid that doesn’t need to be repaid.

With some searching, you can find the free resources to get the knowledge and skills you need without piling on more debt. There are so many opportunities waiting if you have the determination to succeed. Now get out there and start learning!

Financing Your Education as a Single Parent

Financing Your Education as a Single Parent

Financing your education as a single parent likely seems overwhelming. However – there’re options available to help make furthering your education more affordable and achievable.

Grants – Scholarships

Find grants and scholarships targeted specifically at single parents, women, minorities, or non-traditional students. Free websites like Scholarships and Peterson’s offer large databases of scholarships and grants to search. Local organizations, non-profits, and places of worship also frequently offer small grants and scholarships.

Student Loans

There’s also federal student aid, like Pell Grants and Stafford Loans, which helps pay for tuition, books, living expenses, and maybe even meals. As a single parent, you may qualify for a higher Pell Grant amount. Stafford Loans offer subsidized options with no interest while you’re in school, as well as unsubsidized loans for additional costs. Income-driven repayment plans can make repaying student loans more affordable by capping your monthly payment at a percentage of your income.

Tuition Discounts and Waivers

Check with your school about available discounts and payment plans for single parents, part-time students, or students facing financial hardship. Some schools offer reduced tuition for enrolling in fewer credit hours per semester. Payment plans can spread out tuition over the semester without interest charges.

Tax Incentives

The American Opportunity Tax Credit provides up to $2,500 a year for four years of college expenses. The Lifetime Learning Credit offers up to $2,000 per year for any college or vocational courses. Both credits reduce the amount of federal tax you owe dollar for dollar. As a single parent, you may be able to claim additional tax benefits like the Child Tax Credit and Child and Dependent Care Credit. Be sure to keep records of all education expenses to claim these tax benefits.

With determination and creativity, you can find ways to finance your education even as a single parent.

Tips for Balancing School, Work, and Family

Tips for Balancing School, Work, and Family

Balancing the demands of school, work, and family as a single mom can feel overwhelming. But with some planning and time management tips, you can make it work.

Establish a regular schedule

Establish a routine for yourself and your kids to keep everyone on track. Wake up, do homework, have dinner, do chores, and go to bed at the same time each day. Also block out time for your online education. Sticking to a routine will make each day run more smoothly and help you avoid forgetting important tasks or deadlines.

Get organized

Use a calendar, scheduling app, or planner to organize and keep track of assignment due dates, work schedules, activities, appointments and more. Write everything down so you have a visual reference for what needs to get done each day and week. Prioritize important tasks and deadlines to avoid being overloaded.

Find help when you need it

Don’t try to do everything yourself. Ask family and friends for help with childcare, household chores or errands when you need it. See if your school or local community organizations offer resources for single parents like tutoring, counseling or financial assistance. Don’t be afraid to use all the resources available to help support you during this challenging time.

Take time for yourself

It’s easy to get burned out juggling so many responsibilities. Make sure to schedule in time for yourself to rest and recharge. Do some light exercise like walking or yoga, read a book, take a bath, or call a friend. Start or end your day with 15-30 minutes of self-care. Your mental and physical health are just as important as the other demands in your life. Make yourself a priority too.

With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your goal of getting an education to provide a better future for yourself and your family. Stay focused on why you started this journey, believe in yourself, and don’t give up. You’ve got this! With time and practice, balancing it all will become second nature.

Further Your Education With EASY Wireless!

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