The ACP program is currently paused pending funding by Congress.

How to Find Emergency Cash for Unemployed Single Mothers

Financing Your Education as a Single Parent

Are you an unemployed single mother looking for emergency cash grants? Then, you’re at the right place. Being a single mother isn’t easy, and we are here to help.

We recommend avoiding an emergency loan until you have exhausted all the financial help mentioned here. Loans have to payed back, and the interest can keep you poor.

Emergency cash can help you in a time of financial crisis, and when you’re a single mother, there are always emergencies.

We have found the quickest and easiest ways to get cash in your pocket that you don’t have to pay back.

Direct Payments For Single Mothers - EASY Wireless

Direct Payments For Single Mothers

Diversion Cash Assistance

(DCA ) Diversion Cash Assistance is a federally funded payment. You must apply in your home state. Most states offer these emergency payments but not all.

By typing your state’s name, you can easily find your state welfare office with the federal locator.

Then contact your local office and ask if they have Diversion cash assistance programs. You can also easily see all the benefits you may be eligible for with their handy benefit finder.

This financial aid is designed to help you with emergency costs, not ongoing monthly expenses. For example, if your car breaks down and you can’t afford to pay a mechanic or if you need money to buy a new refrigerator or some other essential item.

Good use of this temporary assistance would be if you got a new job that you need equipment or clothing for that you can’t afford.

You can’t get this if you are currently receiving TANF, and you can only get one payment a year. The payment is usually under $1,300.

As a single parent, you will be a higher priority to get help from this program. It is more need-based than income based. This is your best benefit if you usually get by but run into an emergency.

Another benefit made for working single parents who make too much money for government assistance but are still struggling is the Single Parent Project.

Single Parent Project

The Single Parent Project is a national non-profit that will give you cash for costs like rent/mortgage payments, food, gas, child care, and car payments or repairs. Once you accept the help, they have 6-month programs that you are expected to participate in to help you get on your feet.

These programs vary according to your needs and want. They target your emotional well-being and educational or well-being needs.

One of the women who got financial aid from them reported:

“I just wanted you to know that because TSPP was able to help my family, I have managed to get caught up at daycare (and even paid ahead), paid off my credit card debt, and set up reasonable payment arrangements for my son’s medical bills to keep them out of collections. It will take me close to a year to pay them off… but I am getting there. I can’t thank you enough.”

Call them at (801) 413-3567 or visit their website for help or financial assistance.

Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF)

TANF helps families in financial distress with a monthly cash payment you can use to pay bills.

This temporary assistance is designed for people who are not working or low income families with children under 18 they are responsible for. You can also qualify if you are pregnant.

You can check with your local welfare office to see if you qualify for this emergency financial assistance.

You must be a US citizen or legal alien and a resident of the state that you apply in to qualify for TANF or emergency financial assistance.

You can apply for TANF in your state by finding your local office on the federal state office locator page.

Soroptimist International – Live Your Dream Award

Soroptimist International is a non-profit with over 100,000 volunteers across hundreds of countries. This organization aims for single mothers to get additional education or overcome obstacles to make more money.

Every year they hand out over $2.1 million in financial assistance to women facing challenges such as poverty, substance abuse, or even the death of a partner. Applications are open every year from July 1st to November 15th. To see if you qualify, visit their website. You can receive up to $16,000, so it is worth applying if you could use a helping hand.

This help is not just for needy families; you can apply as long as you are a single mother.

Stimulus Payments

This program is run by Emma Johnson of Wealthy Single Mommy, who gives $1000 to single mothers without any strings attached. It is meant to help single mothers deal with stress, childcare, illness, or even loneliness. Her website is for single mothers to unite and help each other succeed.

Eligibility Requirements

• You’re a single mother.

• You need money desperately.

You can apply on the Wealthy Single Mommy website, and the application is only online.

Charities - EASY Wireless


If you need emergency cash, there are a few charities that can help you out. Keep reading to learn more about how to get emergency cash from charities.

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities has over 160 agencies throughout the country, each offering a community needs-based assistance program.

They sometimes provide microloans. It is best to find your local chapter to find out what help they can give you in an emergency.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army aims to help single mothers in any way possible and have a few programs made especially for that.

They offer energy assistance payments, housing assistance payments, and back-to-school assistance for single mothers. You can find your local branch with their outlet locator at the bottom of the page.

National St. Vincent De Paul Partnership

The St. Vincent De Paul charity aims to assist needy families that need help with finances. They also provide services for families battling illness and emotional problems.

Their program is open to all single moms, regardless of race or religion , that need assistance with basic emergency needs.

The United Way

The United Way is a national organization that helps single mothers in need. They have a network of local affiliates across the country that can help you with everything from food and shelter to financial assistance and job training. To find the United Way affiliate nearest you, simply enter your ZIP code on their website.

Crowdsourcing for Emergency Cash - EASY Wireless

Crowdsourcing for Emergency Cash

This is not for everyone, but if you are not afraid to tell your story, you quickly get emergency cash through a GoFundMe Campaign. Anyone can do it; they only keep a small transaction fee from each donation.

Instead of getting a lot of money from one person, try crowd-sourcing to get a lot of small contributions from people worldwide who want to help someone directly.

For example, a single mother named Michelle raised more than $10,000 in emergency cash after her husband and parents died due to Covid. What is excellent about GoFundMe is that you can draw the money out as soon as you start receiving donations.

Be prepared to take to social media to spread your story and ensure your local church and community centers are aware of your campaign.

Save Money on Essentials to Free up Cash- EASY Wireless

Save Money on Essentials to Free up Cash

What if I told you there are ways to save money on essential expenses like child care, prescriptions, energy bills, and cellphone bills?

These basics are the expenses that comprise the largest % of a single mother’s income. When you save money on these necessities, it is the same as getting cash because it will free up money you would have had to spend.

By freeing up some extra cash, you can enjoy life more and spend money on what you want instead of just what you need. Here are a few tips on how to do just that.

Child Care

Child care is one of the biggest expenses for any single parent. It can add up if you’re paying for daycare, after-school care, or even a babysitter on occasion. But there are ways to save money on childcare costs.

First, see if you qualify for government child care assistance programs like the Child Care Subsidy. Second, find creative solutions like carpooling with other parents or trading babysitting services with a friend.

The Child Care and Development Fund

The Child Care and Development Fund funds single mothers that need money to help pay for childcare expenses while working. They give you a voucher you can use to pay for child care so you can put the money you would have spent back in your pocketbook.

This is a federal program, but you need to apply in the state you live in. You can look up your state’s phone number and the website where you can apply on the Federal Child Care website.

Prescriptions And Doctor's Expenses- EASY Wireless

Prescriptions And Doctor’s Expenses

If you have to pay for drugs every month, this can keep you poor. Even one bout of flu when you are a single mother can wipe you out for the month. There is help out there if you are struggling.

Here are three places that can help:

Co-Pay Relief

This group will work with you to pay your doctor or pharmacy costs directly and will work with anyone who needs financial assistance. You can apply online with Co-Pay Relief

Partnership for Prescription Assistance

Partnership for Prescription Assistance is a matching service. You put in your details, and it finds the best program for you. This is fantastic because it will find the service that helps you the most without spending ages researching different charities.

Questions can be directed to their online contact form.

RX Assist 

RX Assist is another matching service that will allow you to find the best help for you. They have a vast database of programs, one of which will be able to help you if you are a single mother.

Save on Your Utilities and Energy Bills

Saving on your fuel or energy bills can make a huge difference in your finances. This kind of emergency cash can keep your family healthy and comfortable.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

LIHEAP is one of the best opportunities for single mothers to get emergency cash. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps families cover their energy costs. LIHEAP also helps with emergency cash payments if your heat is about to be turned off. They also give grants for the weatherization of your home.

How to Apply for LIHEAP

To check your eligibility for LIHEAP, contact this toll-free number: 1-866-674-6327. You can also apply online with your state’s LIHEAP Office.

Save on Food Costs Every Month

Food is another expense for single mothers that can use up all their money. Here are some ways to get emergency cash assistance for food needs.

SNAP Or Food Stamps

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), better known as Food Stamps, can help solo moms stretch their grocery budget. One-income households frequently meet the criteria.

This program provides nutrition assistance so single moms can buy healthy food to feed their kids. In addition, this program also provides cash for a garden if you wish to grow your food.

Food Banks

If you need emergency cash, you can go to a food bank and use the money you would have spent on groceries to help you get through your emergency.

Check the national clearing house to find a food bank or food pantry near you.

Save on Your Internet and Cell Phone Bills

There is a new program that is pretty easy to qualify as a single mother. It is called the Affordable Connectivity Plan. It is a federal program designed to make sure that everyone has access to the internet.

When you qualify for the ACP with Easy Wireless, you can enjoy their Unlimited Data Plan. This plan includes unlimited free data and free talk and text, so you can save the money you spend every month on your cellphone bill!

When cell phone bills cost most Americans well over $100 a month. Not having to pay for a cell phone bill is like getting an emergency cash payment of $100 every month.

Join the Tens of Thousands that have already signed up for FREE Lifeline and ACP Benefits.

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