The ACP program is currently paused pending funding by Congress.

How to Stop Overspending

how to stop overspending

Times are tough, and finding ways to cut down on your spending can be difficult. Sometimes you may feel that you don’t know how and where to start, other times you just can’t find the time to sit down and plan. But the truth is, with the proper mindset and habits, you can put an end to your overspending and ease your financial stress. 

Keep reading to learn some practical ways to cut down on impulse buying, improve your spending habits, and save money.

Stop Impulse Buying

Impulse buys are quick, unplanned purchases. People usually impulse buy relatively inexpensive items, such as articles of clothing advertised on social media or a meal from a fast-food restaurant. 

Though they may seem harmless, these impulse purchases can add up. In fact, impulse buying is one of the biggest drivers of overspending. 

To cut down on impulse buying, take a moment to pause and self-reflect before making a purchase. Ask yourself: Do I really need this? If the answer is no, then it may be best to withhold from buying the item.  

There are certain environments that promote impulse buying. For example, grocery stores are a common location where impulse buying occurs. 

To avoid grabbing any unnecessary goods while grocery shopping, make a shopping list before leaving the house. Stick to grabbing only the items on your list, and avoid wandering aimlessly through aisles packed with tempting treats. 

You can become a smart and financially responsible consumer by consistently making good purchasing decisions. If you don’t need something, then it may be best to just save your money.

avoid emotional spending

Avoid Emotional Spending

We’ve all made an emotional purchase before. When you’re sad, buying some comfort food from your favorite restaurant seems like a smart idea and an easy way to make yourself feel better.  However, these purchases rarely help us in the long run. That’s because most problems that lead to stress cannot be solved with retail therapy.

Instead of solving your problems, rash spending can actually contribute to stress by chipping away at your savings. If you aren’t careful, you can end up in a hopeless cycle of anxiety and overspending. 

That’s why it’s best to stop making these harmful purchases so you can meet your financial goals.

The first step to putting a halt to your emotional spending is practicing self-awareness. Identify when you are prone to make emotional purchases so that you will be better able to exercise self-control when those situations arise. When you feel the urge to make an emotional purchase, try doing an activity that will help you cope with your emotions in a more healthy way. For example, you can exercise or write a journal entry. 

Emotions are an unavoidable part of being human, but we do have control over how we respond to them. The next time you’re feeling sad, stressed, or overwhelmed, refrain from reaching for your wallet right away. 

Set Clear Financial Goals

Saving money is much easier when you have clear financial goals to work towards. Take the time to identify what you want to save your money for. People may save money in hopes of putting a down payment on a house or car. Alternatively, they may save up to boost the balance in their checking or savings account,

If you don’t already have an emergency fund, it’s in your best interest to incorporate one into your savings goals. While the amount that you should put into an emergency fund will vary depending on your unique lifestyle, you generally want enough money to keep you afloat for three to six months if you were to suddenly lose your job or another major source of income. 

Make sure the goals you set for yourself are concrete. They can serve as a great motivation to reduce spending and develop better money habits.

create good budget

Create a Good Budget

A budget is essentially a spending plan. It helps you track your income and expenses so you can better manage your money. Start off your budget by listing all your monthly expenses. This can include things such as your rent or mortgage payment, utilities, groceries, and transportation costs. Then, compare your total expenses to your income. 

If you’re spending more than you make, it’s time to make adjustments and cut back on unnecessary purchases. Things like food and shelter are basic needs and cannot be cut out of a budget. However, you may be able to adjust the amount of money that you spend to attain these things.

If you’re finding it hard to balance your budget from month to month, it may be beneficial to seek out an apartment or house with a lower rent or mortgage payment. You can also lower your grocery bill by choosing store-brand items over more expensive name-brand items.

For some help setting up a budget, consider meeting with a certified financial planner. They have the expertise to help you develop better spending habits and a realistic budget for your situation.

Use Cash Instead of Card

Credit cards are convenient, but they also make it easy to overspend. 

To save money, consider using cash for your daily expenses instead. This limits your spending power and makes you more likely to think twice before making a purchase. When you go shopping, leave the credit card at home and bring a set amount of cash with you. This will prevent you from leaving the store with unnecessary items and help you stick to your budget.

While a debit card is backed up by the money in your checking account, using it may still be hindering your ability ability to reign in your spending. Think about how frequently you use it to make unplanned purchases and leave it at home with your credit card if you need to.

Stay Disciplined as Your Lifestyle Improves

As the amount of money you have saved up grows, it’s natural to want to improve your standard of living now that you can afford.

However, be cautious about falling into the trap of lifestyle inflation. Lifestyle inflation is the tendency to increase spending on non-essential items as income rises. Instead of spending all the extra money you earn, make sure you save a portion of it. The extra cash may come in handy in the future.

mobile phone for budget

Apply to Easy Wireless’ Free Phone Program

Hopefully these tips can help you reduce your spending and reach your financial goals. Another easy way to reduce spending is to apply for Easy Wireless’ free phone plan!

If you meet the eligibility requirement, you will be able to receive:

  • FREE Unlimited Data
  • FREE Unlimited Talk
  • FREE Unlimited Text
  • FREE SIM Card Kit and Activation
  • Choose to Keep Your Number or Get a New One

Fill out the box below, or you can apply online or visit an EASY Wireless’s retail stores, where an associate will help you explore options for attaining great, inexpensive phone service.

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