The ACP program is currently paused pending funding by Congress.

What Are Sinking Funds in Budgeting

What Are Sinking Funds in Budgeting & How They Help

You’re probably wondering how to budget effectively or what sinking funds even are. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Budgeting can be tricky but having a solid plan makes a huge difference. In this blog post, we’re covering simple steps for budgeting, like tracking expenses and setting financial goals.

We’re also going to be discussing sinking funds – money set aside for specific purposes like car repairs or vacations. Getting your budget in order takes work but is so rewarding. You’ll gain control of your finances, reduce stress, and be able to save for the fun stuff! Stick with us and you’ll learn budgeting basics to get your money working for you.

What Is a Budget And Why Is It Important?

A budget is a plan for your money – how much is coming in and going out each month. Creating a comprehensive budget is key to gaining control of your finances and achieving your financial goals.

Without having a budget, it’s easy to overspend on things you don’t really need. A budget helps you allocate your income to essential expenses first like housing, food, and transportation. Then you can distribute the remaining amount to other expenses like entertainment or hobbies. The goal is to spend less than you earn each month.

Understanding Sinking Funds and What They Help You Budget​

Understanding Sinking Funds and What They Help You Budget

Sinking funds are budgeted amounts of money you set aside each month for known future expenses. They ensure you have enough money when those expenses come up. Some benefits of sinking funds:

  • They help avoid going into debt because of specific future expenses. You have the money ready and waiting to pay for the expense when it arises.

  • They make budgeting easier since you’re planning for expenses in advance. You know exactly how much needs to be set aside each month.

  • They give you peace of mind that you have money allocated for important obligations. No surprise expenses for things like insurance premiums, vehicle registration, or property taxes.

  • They allow you to earn interest on the money over time. Even though it’s allocated for a specific expense, the money is still in your checking account or high yield savings account earning interest until you need to spend it.

Sinking funds could be a simple but powerful budgeting tool. Create a sinking fund today for each essential or periodic expenses and gain more control over your budget. You’re going to appreciate having that money ready and waiting when those expenses come due.

10 Best Sinking Funds to Include in Your Budget

A sinking fund is a fund set aside for a specific purpose, like replacing a roof or vehicle later on. Adding sinking funds to your budget helps ensure you have money for larger, irregular expenses so you can avoid going into debt. How many sinking funds you have is based on your individual budget. However, here are 10 of the best sinking fund categories to include in your budget:

Emergency fund

Emergency funds cover unexpected expenses like medical bills, job loss, or home/vehicle repairs. Shoot for $500 to $1000 to start, and build up to 5-6 months of essential expenses.

Vehicle replacement

If you have a car payment, start setting aside money now for your next vehicle. Aim for 10-15% of your payment amount each month. That way you’ll have a good down payment and lower payments on your next auto loan.

Home maintenance

Set aside at least 1% of your home’s value each year for maintenance and repairs. This covers things like roof replacement, furnace service, driveway repaving, etc.

Vacation fund

Set a vacation budget and fund it monthly so you can pay for travel expenses in cash. Even putting aside $50-$100 a month adds up to a nice getaway each year!

College fund

If you have kids, start adding sinking fund contributions to a college fund as early as possible. A 529 plan is a great option, as earnings grow tax-free. Aim for at least enough to cover 2-4 years of in-state public college.

Pet Care

Pets can be expensive, especially as they age. Set aside money each month for routine vet care, grooming, food, toys and any medical issues that may arise.

Property Taxes

If you own a home, set aside at least 1/12 of your annual property tax bill each month. That way the full amount will be ready to pay when the bill comes due.

Gifts And Holidays Fund

Create a fund for birthdays, holidays, hostess gifts and more. Decide how much you want to spend for each occasion and fund it monthly. You’ll avoid going into debt or financial hardship during an expensive time of year.


Do you pay for streaming services, gym memberships or other subscriptions? Set aside the monthly fees for each service in case there’s ever a price increase. That way you’re prepared and can decide if you want to continue the service.

Home decor

If redecorating or making home improvements is a priority, determine a budget and set aside money each month. In a year or two you’ll have enough funded to tackle new flooring, paint, furnishings or whatever is on your wish list!

Ways to Reduce Spending to Meet Your Budget​

Ways to Reduce Spending to Meet Your Budget

To stick to your budget, find monthly expenses to trim away at. Even small changes lead to significant growth in your savings accounts over time. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Reduce Your Utility Bills

Reduce your utility bills. Lower the thermostat a few degrees in winter or raise it in summer. Turn off lights and electronics when leaving a room. Only run full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine. These simple steps can cut hundreds from your annual utility costs.

Eat Out Less Often

Eat out less often. Cooking meals at home is so much more budget-friendly than dining out. Try limiting eating out to once a week or only on special occasions. When you do eat out, look for restaurants that offer discounts or check sites like Groupon for deals.

Quit Cable

Quit cable. If you pay for cable or satellite TV service, consider cutting the cord and switching to streaming services only. You can save $50-$100 a month. Look for streaming bundles that offer the channels and shows you actually watch.

Shop Store Brand Items

Shop store brand items. Purchase cheaper store brand alternatives to name brands. You likely won’t notice much difference in quality, especially for staples like food, over-the-counter drugs, and household supplies. This simple switch can save you up to 50% on some items.

Reassess Subscriptions

Reassess subscriptions. Do an audit of monthly subscriptions like streaming services, gym memberships, credit cards with annual fees, etc. Cancel any you no longer use or see if you can find lower-cost alternatives. Even reducing fees by $10-$20 a month will make a significant impact.

Making a few changes in your daily spending habits can help ensure you stay within budget each month. Keep looking for more ways to cut costs in areas that won’t affect your quality of life too much. Small sacrifices today will pay off in reaching important financial goals down the road. Stay dedicated and continue to refine your budget over time.

Budgeting? Join EASY Wireless' FREE Phone Plan

If you’re reading this blog, you’re likely facing some financial difficulties or wondering where to start with budgeting. We know neither is easy. Don’t worry — EASY Wireless has some great news.

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